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Child Visas

iWise Education Child Visas

A Child visa (subclass 101) lets an eligible parent to sponsor their child to live in Australia indefinitely. The parent can apply on behalf of a child younger than 18 years of age.


This visa allows a parent to act as the sponsor for a child who is under 18 years old, enabling them to live and thrive in Australia under the care and support of their parent or guardian.

It grants the child an opportunity for stability, access to education, healthcare, and the chance to be a part of a nurturing family environment within the Australian community.

child visas australia

To Be Eligible:


  • be a dependent child of a parent who is an Australian citizen, eligible New Zealand citizen or holder of an Australian permanent visa
  • Be under 18 years, a full-time student aged over 18 and under 25 and financially dependent on the parent, or over 18 and unable to work due to a disability.
  • Be single and dependent on the parent.
  • Be outside Australia when the application is made.
  • Be sponsored by an eligible parent or their parent’s spouse or de facto partner.
  • Have no partner or ever have been.

    • married or engaged to be married
    • in a de facto relationship
  • be either

    • under 18 years old, or
    • over 18 and under 25 years and studying full time, or
    • over 18 years with a disability
  • Meet the health requirement.
  • Meet the character test.

    If granted, the applicant can


    • Migrate to Australia and stay in visa permanent resident.
    • Study and work.

    • enroll in Medicare- Australia’s public health care scheme
    • Apply for Australian citizenship if eligible.
    • Sponsor relatives to come to Australia.
    • Travel to and from Australia for 5 years.
    • After 5 years, child can apply for and be granted Resident Return Visa to re-enter Australia as a permanent resident.

      Child Visa SC 102


      The Adoption visa (subclass 102) allows those children to live in Australia who are adopted or going to be adopted by an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident or an eligible New Zealand citizen.

      To Be Eligible:


      • have been under 18 years of age when adopted, when they apply and when we make a decision
      • be outside Australia when the application is submitted
      • sponsored by an eligible adoptive parent or prospective adoptive parent.
      • Have approved sponsor form the Department of Home Affairs.
      • be adopted or in the process of being adopted by their sponsor parent
      • meet the health requirement
      • meet the character test

        If granted, the applicant can


        • migrate to Australia and stay in visa permanent resident
        • study and work
        • enroll in Medicare- Australia’s public health care scheme
        • apply for Australian citizenship if eligible
        • sponsor relatives to come to Australia
        • travel to and from Australia for 5 years
        • After 5 years, child can apply for and be granted Resident Return Visa to re-enter Australia as a permanent resident.


          Child Visa SC 802


          The Child Visa (Subclass 802) allows a child (who is currently in Australia) whose parents are Australian citizens, Permanent Residents or eligible New Zealand citizens to remain and live Australia indefinitely with their parents.



            • Be a dependent child of a parent who is an Australian citizen, eligible New Zealand citizen or holder of an Australian permanent visa.
            • Be under 18 years, a full-time student aged over 18 and under 25 and financially dependent on the parent, or over 18 and unable to work due to a disability.
            • Be single and dependent on the parent.
            • Be outside Australia when the application is made.
            • Be sponsored by an eligible parent or their parent’s spouse or de facto partner.
            • Have no partner or ever have been.

              • married or engaged to be married
              • in a de facto relationship
            • Be either:
              or under 18 years old, or
              or over 18 and under 25 years and studying full time, or
              or over 18 years with a disability
            • Meet the health requirement.
            • Meet the character test.

            If granted, the applicant can


            • migrate to Australia and stay in visa permanent resident
            • study and work
            • enroll in Medicare- Australia’s public health care scheme
            • apply for Australian citizenship if eligible
            • sponsor relatives to come to Australia
            • travel to and from Australia for 5 years
            • After 5 years, child can apply for and be granted Resident Return Visa to re-enter Australia as a permanent resident.
            • Department of Home Affairs will only grant this visa to a child younger than 18 years if either:
              1). the child has the written consent of everyone who can legally decide where the child can live, or
              2). the laws of the child’s home country allow them to leave their home country, or
              3). it is consistent with any Australian child order about the child.


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